Despite three meetings in Tararua regarding Mycoplasma bovis, after it was discovered on a Makuri farm, there's still a great deal of uncertainty, especially for neighbouring farmers.
Last Thursday Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor visited Makuri and talked directly to the neighbours of the government-owned Rangedale farm at Pori, east of Pahiatua, where the entire herd of 900 cattle of various ages are being slaughtered.
"We are all connected in this district and we're all feeling the stress and uncertainty," Tararua District Mayor and dairy farmer Tracey Collis said.
Read more: Tentative restocking of Hawke's Bay Mycoplasma bovis farm
Stock arrive at Hawke's Bay farm to replace bulls hit by Mycoplasma bovis scare
Veterinary association support Mycoplasma Bovis eradication plan
"Farmers are starting to plan and make decisions and put in place farming strategies and our rural support group has done a fantastic job.