COMMENT: Let me toss a few numbers at you. First number is $23.50 - that's the average pay for an hour to pick kiwifruit. That number alone answers all those who have complained the money is no good. $23.50 is good money.
And instead of the annualised whinge-fest we go through in this country, it behoves us to actually try and drum up a few answers.
Visa issues might be part of the problem. I tried yesterday to explain to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern that there will be people here for holidays who want a bit of cash and easy work. Under their visitor visa they need to reapply, that takes time, too much time, they will ask themselves why they bothered.
We also have issues around migrants. They, of course, are the answer. They work hard, send money back home, it all seems successful. But despite that, we still want to try and employ locals. That's all fine, but getting them under a vine and picking seems to be an issue.
So what about those we pay to do nothing?