Environment Minister David Parker has announced that preliminary work has begun to create a new freshwater policy for New Zealand, building on the previous Government's work.
He is quoted in media as saying: "I think [most] New Zealanders share an objective that their waterways should be clean enough to swim in summer and there should be enough water left in the river to swim in." The media report notes that the most polluted rivers are urban rivers.
The question is, what causes the most pollution in our rural rivers? Pollution is intensified during floods by heavy rain, especially where river flows dramatically increase and with it, runoff and drainage from farmlands and roads.
While you can't necessarily collect water during times of peak flooding as it is too dirty, you can collect water at times of high flow, for example, during winter.
To keep river flows consistent and ensure enough water for swimming in summer, one of the solutions is to capture and store abundant water during winter and not let it run out to sea.