Stunning winter weather, a great rural location and the might of the machines that drive New Zealand agribusiness attract a good sized crowd to the RD3 Central Tractor Pull. Photo / Dean Taylor
Stunning winter weather, a great rural location and the might of the machines that drive New Zealand agribusiness attract a good sized crowd to the RD3 Central Tractor Pull. Photo / Dean Taylor
Having hordes of tractors tearing up your property in a show of pulling power might not be every land-owner's cup of tea, but for Roto-O-Rangi couple Johanna Buckley and Stuart Hylton it was a breeze.
Neighbour and RD3 Contracting owner Aaron Judd hosted the event, which was run by Central Tractor Pull.
Then a day later he brought in a team of workers and the land was restored and sewn in new grass.
Johanna says they had cleared trees from near the house last year that had the potential to be a hazard.
Sausage sizzle and hot drinks kept the spectators sustained. Photo / Dean Taylor
Cambridge mechanic Shawn Luxton competed in the Under 7 tonne class in a John Deere JD6110M borrowed from hall and Wilson Contracting. Photo / Dean Taylor
It was the second regional event Aaron has organised and hosted — but by far the best.
He says the weather, location and advertising brought out a great crowd.
"We want to share our sport around the regions — building on the success it enjoys at Fieldays," he says.
"People from both town and country turned up and made for a fun day."
Part of the plan is to get more farmers involved, pitting their everyday tractors against each other and their driving ability.
The competition is graded according to weight and power and each tractor tows the 'sled' as far as possible.
Grandstand viewing for some of the crowd at the RD3 Central Tractor Pull regional competition held at Roto-O-Rangi. Photo / Dean Taylor
The sled is owned by Central Tractor Pulling and has a computerised set up that applies load at pre-determined points according to the handicap for each tractor.
Aaron also wants to make it a family friendly event, and the location for this year's event was ideal.
He says it had a tiered bank and raised flat area where everyone could get a good view. The first event raised money for Roto-O-Rangi School and this year funds went to central Tractor Pulling to help with expenses.
In the future Aaron believes it can continue to raise funds for the local community and become a fun day out on the rural calendar.