The stock owner is likely to lose between $6000 and $9000.
Linda Hall is Hawke's Bay Today's premium content editor.
Owners of dogs that attacks stock are liable for the damage they cause and a fine of up to $3000. If caught in the act the dog can be destroyed on the spot.
From what I have read and heard from others in the past once a dog has worried stock they are more than likely to do it again.
Living in a rural area like Bridge Pa dog owners have a responsibility too ensure their dogs are contained at all time. They should also be 100 per cent sure that if they did happen to get out they aren't going to go off marauding.
The dogs are thought to be the same ones that attacked and killed five sheep and wounded a goat on another property in Bridge Pa.
Fortunately the goat had horns and knew how to use them. It was still bitten and bloodied but at least it survived.
Hopefully the second dog will be caught before it does any more damage.
By now I believe the owner will know what has happened. It's been in the paper and on social media.
However as yet they haven't contacted anyone or made any move to hand the dog in.
Anyone with stock in the area must be very stressed.
There have also been other incidents lately of dogs biting people and other dogs. Plus this text which came in last week
■We've been grazing a section in Bibby Lane Waipawa. With four in lamb ewes and a ram. To our total dismay they were ripped to pieces in a dog attack. The dog ranger had suspicions as to the dogs involved but without eye witness being available no action can be taken. WHAT A JOKE !!! Please keep your dogs Under control.
I don't blame them for being angry and upset. Who wouldn't be.
On a lighter note I had a phone call from a reader who has the answer to why the Queen's Birthday is not celebrated on her actual birthday of April 21.
The reader said when Elizabeth took the throne she said she didn't want her birthday getting tangled up with the Easter break so she would continue to celebrate on her father's birthday.
Makes sense.
Linda Hall is Hawke's Bay Today's premium content editor.