The Macraes Collie Club hosted its 74th annual trials last week on the Stevenson family's property Craiglynn Station at Moonlight. Otago Daily Times' agribusiness reporter Sally Rae paid a visit.
Neave is what Warren MacLeod describes as a "charity dog".
The heading dog, being run by the Waikouaiti triallist at the Macraes Collie Club's trials, came into MacLeod's ownership in somewhat unorthodox fashion.
A Fawlty Towers night was held as a fundraiser for the medical centre in Palmerston and it concluded with a charity auction.
Everything from fertiliser to art works went under the hammer and the last item of the evening was a heading pup by Lloyd Smith's Ace.
The pup, which did not attend the auction, was bought by MacLeod (67) for $400.
"I bought it on spec basically and then I broke her in," he said.
Warren and Wendy MacLeod, with Rose and Neave, at the Macraes Collie Club's trials at Moonlight this week. Photo / Sally Rae
Asked whether the dog was named after the First Baby - Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's daughter Neve - quick-as-a-flash Mr MacLeod said no - "she named it after my heading dog."
He was "rapt" with Neave, saying she had not won an event yet but she was getting placings "on a reasonably regular basis".
MacLeod was accompanied by his wife of 42 years, Wendy, who is secretary for the North Otago dog trial centre.
She regularly accompanied her husband to trials, acting as his clerk when he was judging.
"Everyone says, 'when are you coming out with a dog?' I just enjoy watching everybody's runs, especially his," she said, indicating her husband.
"I'm a very harsh judge," she laughed.
Now retired, although still doing some casual driving for Cooks Transport, Mr MacLeod has more time to devote to his dogs.
He had been in a South Island championship run-off with heading dog Yank on the long head at Blenheim in 2003, and a New Zealand run-off with Slick, in the zig zag hunt at Oxford the following year.
At the moment, he has six dogs and while they were inexperienced, the potential was there.
This season, he had been getting "wee nibbles here and there".
While the triallists might have been taking their runs very seriously, those behind the scenes at Macraes preferred a much more laid-back approach to the two-day trials.
His duties were not too arduous - "as long as there's plenty of staff around, it's pretty easy" - and one of his main tasks was delivering smoko to the judges and liberators.
In fact, he reckoned the best part of the trials was the catering, which was under the supervision of Anna Graham and Rebecca Tisdall.
The menu consisted of savouries, cheese rolls and toasties, scones, slices and cakes, with vegetable soup for lunch, potatoes, cold meat and four types of salad.
Graham and Tisdall had been in the cookshop for the past 20 years so they had it down to a fine art.
They were aiming for a 25-year stint to beat their predecessors who had also notched up 20 years.
Next to the kitchen was the bar, under the watchful eye of barman Jock Frew for about the past 10 years.