About $5 million could be saved with a "plan B" Clyde sewerage system that would involve piping being installed from Clyde to the Alexandra plant, Central Otago Mayor Tim Cadogan says.
The price of building an entire new system had been estimated at about $34 million, Mr Cadogan said. At present, all Clyde properties had septic tanks, and there was no town sewerage system.
Mr Cadogan said the situation of Clyde having no reticulated sewerage system could not continue as the town expanded.
"The simple fact of the matter is that the council will be forced by the Otago Regional Council and/or the Government at some stage to face the sewerage situation in Clyde, and that the day of reckoning will be coming sooner rather than later.
National water policy standards and regional urban water discharge standards will force the issue. On top of that, the lack of a proper system puts significant restraints on Clyde's ability to grow commercially or residentially."