"I've been told I worry too much. Why are some people worriers, and what can I do about it?" Lifetime worrier
There is little shortage of things to worry about. As I write this, everything I read tells me I should be very worried about the outcome of the US presidential election. Global warming, terrorism, even our household cleaners can kill us apparently.
Worrying can always seem like it makes sense, because from a certain perspective, it always does. We can define worrying as thinking about future threats and problems, and planning to avoid or otherwise solve them.
However when we worry we make a choice we often don't know we're making. We choose to focus on that which is negative and frightening. We pick out the negative and chew it over in our mind. We set our own emotional tone.
So much of the modern world runs on this brooding, low-level fear. Advertisers use our fear of a multitude of things to sell us solutions to problems we didn't even know we had. The entire insurance industry is built on it: insurance commodifies worry and sells us the illusion of security.