The idea to relocate a species of native frogs has been taken off the table after consideration from the Department of Conservation and local iwi.
Documents obtained under the Official Information Act from Coromandel Watchdog of Hauraki show mining company OceanaGold approached DOC to see if the relocation of the Archeys frog would benefit the population and ease any challenges the mining company has working around the species.
OceanaGold was currently conducting exploration activities on the Coromandel Peninsula, with some on DOC land and an Access Agreement was currently in place.
OceanaGold's senior community adviser, Kit Wilson, said the company wanted to see if an opportunity existed to support any work that would benefit the Archeys frog population.
"We met with DOC to discuss the results of comprehensive frog surveys conducted by specialist herpetologists over the past year and the challenges presented in working around the frogs.