Hapū of Horowhenua iwi Muaūpoko are questioning the value of consultation after a recent hui with the Department of Conservation (DoC) ahead of a planned drop of 1080 poison in the Tararua Ranges.
More than 60 people from different Muaūpoko hapū attended the meeting in Levin Memorial Hall earlier this month at the invitation of DoC and its Project Kaka partners OSPRI.
Project Kaka was due to start this month with aerial drops of 1080 poison on the Tararua Ranges east of Levin. Warning signs would be erected near the bush warning of the dangers of the impending 1080 drop.
Those at the Levin hui listened and engaged with DoC and OSPRI representatives but following the hui were unanimously opposed to the 1080 aerial poisoning.
Vivienne Taueki said she questioned the value of consultation and believed DoC was going to forge ahead with the 1080 plans regardless of any concerns raised at the meeting.