In announcing it is putting the brakes on any further large-scale irrigation funding this week, the Government pointed to the Provincial Growth Fund as an avenue to fund smaller water-storage projects, but such a solution was not simple, says Maraekakaho dairy farmer and Irrigation NZ board member Ivan Knauf.
Mr Knauf and his family farm 995ha at Wairua Farm, 430ha of which is dairy and the balance, including a support block, cropping and 40ha of wetland (work around which earned them one of a number of Ballance Farm Environment Awards in 2016).
Irrigation is used during the summer months, watering in excess of 400ha.
In the next week, construction of a 30,000 cubic metre capacity water storage dam was due to be completed, but the process of applying for and building such a dam was complicated, as was gaining funding, Mr Knauf said.
"Most of these funds take a lot of background work to make the application.