The Roar season is for about four weeks from late March.
The Roar season is for about four weeks from late March.
Keen hunters looking to capitalise on the Roar season are reminded to take extra precautions before firing.
Roar season refers to the roughly four-week period from late March when deer breed and let out vocal mating calls.
Police and New Zealand’s firearms regulator have reminded hunters to confidently identify their target beyond all doubt to avoid accidents.
The Firearms Safety Authority and members of the Recreational Firearms User Group are running a hunter safety advertising campaign - calling for hunters to “be extra sure this Roar”.
Hunters have been encouraged to 'Be sure this Roar' and take their time when leading up to pulling the trigger.
McIlraith said there were three things hunters should be cautious of when out in the field.
“Make a plan for your hunt and stick to it, always treat every firearm as loaded and identify your target beyond all doubt,” he said.
New Zealand Deerstalkers Association (NZDA) Whanganui branch president Ian Churchouse supported McIlraith’s message.
“Identify your target, make sure it has four legs, make sure it is beyond all doubt so you have no regrets - that is pretty much it,” Churchhouse said.
A person was shot in the leg in a hunting accident near Rānana in 2024.
Despite this incident, Churchouse said misidentification when hunting was not common in the Whanganui area.
“A lot of the hunting around here is on private land so there shouldn’t really be a problem if people identify their targets properly,” he said.
The concern was for areas such as national parks where people were not as confident with their surroundings, Churchouse said.
He recommended novice hunters join a NZDA club where they would be given proper training and coaching.
“They can ask a multitude of different people about different questions regarding their hunting experience and general information; it is a really good support network.”