Diane and Stuart Greig on the saw during the Horowhenua AP&I Show Axemen competition. Photo / Darryl Butler
Diane and Stuart Greig on the saw during the Horowhenua AP&I Show Axemen competition. Photo / Darryl Butler
A popular event at the annual AP&I Show is the woodchopping and sawing.
Run over two days the Horowhenua and Ōtaki Axemen clubs will bring out many other athletes from their sport to Levin to compete.
For many local axemen this sport is a family affair. Di Greig grewup watching her dad chop and saw around the country and her brother started when he was 7 years old, she said.
"Two of my sisters are also involved, our kids have started and my uncle, granddad and his brother were also into the sport.
The Greig family enjoy woodchopping together: Stuart, Shirley, Diane and Peter will again be at the Horowhenua AP&I Show.
"We followed our dad around everywhere and when we were kids there were many more local shows and events where axemen had competitions, such as the Palmerston North Show, Waikanae Sports Day and Wehiwehi Marae Sports Day."
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Horowhenua Axemen Club currently has 15 members with Di's mum and dad being life members. The Horowhenua club will run the relay on Sunday at the AP&I Show with teams of six doing Two Ups, then underhands and doublehanded sawing.
Ōtaki Axemen Club organises events during the Saturday.
"It is the biggest show of the year for us," said Katie Rasmussen.
Stuart Greig chops away at his log at the 2019 Horowhenua AP&I Show.
Di Greig said there is no perfect axeman stature.
"Your main skill is the ability to listen carefully to what others tell you. Axemen and women come is all shapes, sizes and ages. Some are still competing in their 60s and our kids are keen though they are not yet competing."
Competitors are expected from around the country.
"Interested people are more than welcome to come talk to us or attend a training," said Di.
Horowhenua Axemen hold regular trainings and have some novices in their ranks who need a lot of practice as more family members and the younger generations want to get involved.
For more information: talk to the axewomen and men at the show or ring Di at 027 913 1693 or email horowhenuaaxemen@outlook.co.nz. On Facebook search for Horowhenua-Axemens-Club. Ōtaki Axemen Club is also on Facebook.