Reports of rubbish dumped at Hokio Beach several weeks ago seemed to have gone unheeded, with the same rubbish still awaiting clean-up and more being added to the area.
The same resident who originally reported the fly-tipped trash, which included broken appliances and pharmaceutical containers, was dismayed last week to discover the same rubbish still there and more added to it.
The woman, who did not want to be named, retrieved all the rubbish from where it had been scattered in flax and sand dunes and placed it in a pile, before photographing it and appealing to the local community via Facebook for help in removing it as she felt the council weren't interested.
However, Horowhenua District Council, which received the earlier reports of the dumping, said it did send a contractor down several weeks ago and a pile of rubbish was retrieved, but it must have been yet another pile of rubbish, different from the one identified in the photos.