Judges led by Syl Eatson size up the light weight cattle.
Judges led by Syl Eatson size up the light weight cattle.
There was a strong entry of prime cattle at the A&P Show, with placings after judging on the hooks.
On the Hoof/On The Hooks. Light Weight (Under 270kg) 1 A D Williams/ R D and V A Turner; 2 Waitotara Partnership Pohuetai, 3 Pohuetai/ Pohuetai; 4 Ngaputahi Trust/Pohuetai.
A crowd watched the judging.
Heavy Weight: 1 Waitotara Partnership/Philip Land Co; 2 R D and V A Turner/R D and V A Turner; 3 Waitotara Partnership/R D and V A Turner; 4 Philip Land Co/Ngaputahi Trust.
An excellent range of prime lambs and sheep from both the Farmers section and the Stud section drew keen interest in the shearing quarters when the best were awarded prizes.
They also judged prime lambs.
Eleven young entrants in the judging competition had an educational experience judging flocks of sheep, terminal sire rams, four prime cattle and fat lambs. This programme has been going 10 years, supported by the ADB Williams Trust.
Top coloured fleeces supplied by Rachel Humphrey.
Dean Shuker of CP Wool said the hard winter had made it difficult for farmers to produce show fleeces, with numbers reducing from 50 last year to 35 this time.
"Quality was still high with the top fleeces from Dan Ramsden (white) and Rachel Humphrey (coloured) as good as you would see anywhere", he said.
White fleeces supplied by Dan Ramsden of Pongaroa.
One display came from Windy Willows Saddleback Stud at Ashhurst.
This was a four-year old Wessex Saddleback sow called Camilla named after Camilla Parker Bowles since Prince Charles had admired it as a piglet four years ago at the Feilding Rural Show.
Young competitors in the judging competition shelter from the rain.
Camilla was the Supreme Champion Pig at the Hawke's Bay Royal Show in 2017.
This Wessex Saddleback sow Camilla, HB Royal Show Champion 2017 with her litter was on display.