Nash believed the country had an opportunity to put in safeguards that were needed to balance the risks created by permanent exotic forests.
"These [risks] include pests, fire, damaged habitats for native species, biodiversity threats, and a relatively short lifespan compared to well-managed mixed native forests.
"We want to encourage the right tree, in the right place, for the right reason. We intend to balance the need for new forest planting with wider needs of local communities, regional economies, and the environment."
Listen to Jamie Mackay interview Stuart Nash about carbon farming and police's handling of the anti-mandate protest on The Country below:
Shaw said the Climate Change Commission had recommended more planting of both types of forest.
"In its advice to government, the Climate Change Commission said we need to increase both native and exotic tree planting to meet our emissions targets. But they also warned we need to reduce our overall reliance on forestry offsets, and better manage the impacts of afforestation," he said.
Public consultation was a critical step, Shaw said.
"This consultation is an opportunity for anyone with an interest in the future of forestry to have their say. We particularly want to hear from Māori and iwi landowners ... who have significant interests in permanent forestry."
Public submissions can be made from Monday, March 14 until Friday, April 22 here.
The rules will come into force on 1 January 2023.