I'm pleased to announce we have a new addition to the family and the wife is beside herself with joy. She dotes on the little creature and makes sure it's having the best possible start in life, no questions.
I was prompted to write about the tubby little bundle of joy over the weekend when I read that on July the 2nd 1997, the government announced it wouldn't allow the release of the Rabbit Calicivirus Disease, or RCD. Yes, the new family member is a rabbit.
If the missus showed just half the love and affection she bestows on that little bastard we'd all be basking in a cradle of joy akin to the something out of Haight Ashbury in 1967. Alas, the rest of us have taken a back seat to the rotund 'Flopsy', aka The Ol' Floppo, The Flopster, The Flopmeister, Flop Diggity and B-Rabbit.
It brings the total amount of animals in our modest suburban household to four. Two cats, a dog and now a rabbit. The wife grew up on a farm and had numerous pets; cats, rabbits, ducks and even a lamb. There were probably more but I generally tune out after a while... Anyway, the point is it's really a classic old case of you can take the girl out of the farm... yadda, yadda, yadda.
The problem is she no longer resides on a farm, but in a way I don't think she ever really left. I've never lived on a farm but now I feel I am.