Cruising into clear, crisp skies in the Whanganui port upon their arrival, the four men were “pretty chuffed” with the purchase from their night out.
A night at a Whanganui pub ended in four mates splitting the purchase of a 39ft crayfish boat together.
The only problem was that the boat was a 55-hour voyage away in Dunedin.
Brian “Smitty” Smith pitched the idea to his friends at the Commercial Hotel after spotting the vessel listed online for a low price.
“I saw the boat on Trade Me so we go into the pub and everyone thought: ‘oh s*** that’s a good idea’,” he said.
Aaron Littlefair hadn’t seen the boat before he decided to go in on it, but came around to the decision pretty easily: “After five or six jugs it changed.”
The group travelled to Dunedin by car to test out the boat and decided its CAT V-8 engine and hull were in good, seaworthy condition.
Smith and Jim Rison have boat-building experience so touching up the ex-crayfishing boat would not be an issue.
Caius Weber (left) who joined the voyage and the four mates Brian Smith, Peter Olding, Aaron Littlefair and Jim Rison beside their new boat after arriving in Whanganui. Photo / Bevan Conley
Cruising into clear, crisp skies in the Whanganui port upon their arrival, the four men were “pretty chuffed” with the purchase from their night out.