New Zealand's TBfree programme is demonstrating such progress there will be a reduction of testing requirements for cattle and deer herds in a few areas of the North Island from the beginning of this month.
The TBfree programme manages cattle and deer TB testing through Disease Control Areas (DCAs) throughout New Zealand that focus on areas of varying risk of livestock TB infection from the main wildlife vector of disease, possums.
TBfree's strategy combines targeted possum control, TB testing and stock movement controls to helps control the spread of bovine TB beyond these boundaries.
DCA changes show the progress of TB control towards the ultimate eradication of bovine tuberculosis from New Zealand's cattle and deer herds. So far OSPRI's TBfree programme has eradicated TB from 1.83 million hectares — with 7.9m hectares of Vector Risk Area left to be eradicated.
Each year, DCA boundaries and the TB testing regime within them are assessed and adjusted according to progress in the TBfree programme.