Hogget prices declined further than last week. The "bale out" button has been pressed and the main hogget buyers know that so are riding the sale prices down. Jessie and Hana Harding had their annual draft of their pet hoggets and sold 3 for $141.50 but even the prices for the medium, preferred weight range hoggets eased as they have done for the past fortnight.
Finishing hoggets has not always been easy this year but many of these have been farmed for nothing for a fortnight at least.
A few more ewes were offered and they were roughly steady with regard to sale prices. Most were medium ewes that have had or reared a lamb and many did have some farming on potential.
At least we had a cattle sale this week. Numbers were not great but there were some useful beef cows for the buyers and they sold up to $1249 ($2.37) for 3 good Angus cows.
The heifers and steers were lighter types and sold at slightly easier levels. Three of the steers were in fact rigs and were store types.
Sheep (4712): lambs (761), 28-46 kg, $88-$129.50, $2.70-$3.20, ease; hoggets (2,308); prime (2227), 41-65 kg, $103-$141.50, $2.20-$2.50, ease; store (81), 33-40 kg, $70-$100, $2.10-$2.80; ewes (1833); good, heavy, 26-30 kg, $80-$99.50, $3.10-$3.30, steady; medium, 21-25 kg, $60-$82, $2.90-$3.30, steady; lighter, 16-20 kg, $42.50-$59, $2.70-$3.00, steady; 2ths (34), $50-$69; male sheep (46), $50-$61.
Cattle (68): steers (6); 287-550 kg, $645-$1512, $2.25-$2.75; heifers (10); 390-473 kg, $979-$1230, $2.51-$2.60; lesser sorts, 290-360 kg, $440-$529, $1.47-$1.52; cows (52); good, heavy, 527-725 kg, $1063-$1450, $1.96-$2.37; boners, 410-561 kg, $651-$970, $1.55-$1.79; lesser sorts, 510 kg, $739, $1.45.
Feilding Calf Sale
Only 30 calves were offered yesterday, with only a small bench of buyers operating. It is becoming late in the season and milk powder is still not easy to obtain.
Bulls: Friesian; good, $105; medium, $40; W/F; good, $150-$205; medium, $100-$130; Angus/Friesian; good, $140-$180.
Heifers: W/F; good, $120-$150.