Opinion: It is election year and it seems that for the environmental groups the gloves are off.
We have seen Greenpeace run a series of fundraising ads vilifying dairy farmers and Forest and Bird pull out of the Land and Water Forum. No surprise that both these organisations are headed by ex-Green politicians. Scuttlebutt is that Forest and Bird will re-join the Land and Water Forum after the election. Greenpeace has yet again been accused of misleading the public.
The truth is that farmers are fully engaged in meeting their environmental responsibilities. Up and down the country I have seen catchment groups working to reduce their impact on water quality and address issues of water allocation.
Dairy farmers have spent more than $1 billion on fencing, riparian planting and effluent management upgrades while their dryland cousins have been the main contributors in signing on to QEII Trust covenants worth an estimated $1.2 billion, including the economic opportunity which has been foregone. But there is a lot more going on.
Farmers, through their levies to Beef and Lamb and DairyNZ, are contributing to science research to reduce the production of greenhouse gases as well as spending tens of millions of dollars per year on Tb control, which also helps in the fight to save our birds through possum and predator control.