Cows: B and M Brownlie, Frasertown, 13 9y ang-here, vic, av weight, 494kg, 222c/kg, $1100/head.
Steers: R2, Leafield Farm, Otane, 22 ang-here, av weight, 418kg, 336c/kg, $1410/head; 14 the same, av weight, 378kg, 347c/kg, $1315/head; H Durrant, Raukawa, 14 here-fries, av weight, 439kg, 283c/kg, $1242/head; S Solomon, Te Hauke, six crossbred, av weight, 315kg, 226c/kg, $712/head. Wnr, Te Apiti Station, Elsthorpe, 17 ang, av weight, 173kg, 425c/kg, $740/head; OSE Ltd, Poraite, five here-cross, av weight, 190kg, 379c/kg, $720/head.
Bulls: R2, T Taylor, Takapau, five fries, av weight, 404kg, 270c/kg, $1090/head; Hawke's Bay Farmyard Zoo, Haumoana, five fries-cross, av weight, 317kg, 233c/kg, $740/head; Leafield Farm, Otane, 15 18mth fries, av weight, 330kg, 302c/kg, $1000/head. Wnr, C Walter Farms, Waipawa, six devon-cross, av weight, 260kg, 278c/kg, $725/head; Horse You Can, Elsthorpe, five fries, av weight, 128kg, 312c/kg $400/head.
Heifers: R2, N and J McMillan, Ridgemount, 18 here, (CS), av weight, 449kg, 289c/kg, $1300/head; 16 the same, av weight, 412kg, 271c/kg, $1120/head; six ang-here, av weight, 440kg, 274c/kg, $1205/head. Wnr, Otarata Farm, Whakapirau, 12 here-fries, av weight, 171kg, 356c/kg, $610/head; OSE Ltd, Poraite, five here-cross, av weight, 166kg, 367c/kg, $610/head; Horse You Can, Elsthorpe, five crossbred, av weight, 199kg, 210c/kg, $250/head.
Ewes: Te Roto Farming, Takapau, 160 m/a (SIL) $141.50; 70 ma/, $138; Rangitoto Farming, Takapau, 70 m/a (SIL) $141.50; Kayley Farm, Puketapu, 111 5yr, $150; C and E Haldane, Mohaka, (all RWR) 104 m/a, $109; 88 m/a, $88; 35 m/a, $72.50; 20 1yr, $69; 38 1yr, $82; Braehead Ltd, Puketapu, 32 m/a, (SIL), $121; Greenstone Farm, Wairoa, 100 m/a, $128.50.
Lambs: Hurakai Station, Taupo, 151 ewe, $96.50; 257 ewe, $89.50; 121 ewe, $88; 61 ewe, $100.50; 98 ewe, $84.50; C and J Lee, Waipunga, 49 male, $126; 88 male, $107; D and M Maxwell, Cricklewood, 142 ewe, $94; 83 ewe, $105.50; 43 ewe, $87; 17 male, $123.50; 21 male, $113; 27 male, $102.50; Ardlussa, Waihau, 45 ram, $126; Forest Home Farm, Wakarara, 62 ewe, $99.50; M Halliwell, Patoka, 59 ram, $123; Okare Station, Wairoa, 86 male, $103.50; 78 ewe, $95.50; 33 ewe, $102; Est A M McKay, Waikare, 56 m/s, $100.50; Branksome, Tikokino, 78 ewe, $98; 38 ewe, $85.50; P and A Allport, Blackhead, 63 ewe, $113.50; 92 ram, $110; 33 ewe, $100; Colbrae Ltd, Ashley Clinton, 47 male, $116.50; 43 ewe, $109.50; C and E Haldane, Mohaka, 44 ewe, $86; 40 ewe, $71; Colonsay Farm, Otamauri, 38 male, $115; 36 ewe, $99; A and C Milligan, Pakipaki, 30 $87.50; C Hyde, Wairoa, 18 m/s, $80.50.
Prime sale
Ewe prices reflected rising schedules while cattle and lambs were steady at Monday's prime sale.
The cattle sale of 56 head was of good quality as were the ewes. Most of the lamb offering of 260 head was also of good quality.
Heifers: (here-cross, ang, ang-here, galloway, here) Av weight, 462kg to 630kg, 216c/kg to 290c/kg, $998/head to $1675/head.
Oxen: (Ang, ang-cross) Av weight, 410kg to 703kg, 266c/kg to 299c/kg, $1303/head to $2104/head.
Cows: (Fries, here-fries,) Weight, 430kg, 690kg, 174c/kg, 200c/kg, $768/head, $1380/head.
Bull: (Here-fries), 740kg, 279c/kg, $2064/head.
Ewes: Woolly, good, $111.50 to $118.50; med, $05.50 to $108. Shorn, heavy, $126.60, $127.50; good, $112.50 to $116; med, $98 to $107.50; lighter, $83.
Lambs: Male, $121.50 to $155; b/f, $126 to $152; ewe, $93.50 to $128; b/f, $106 to $145; m/s, $132, $135.