Department Of Conservation is to hold hui with local iwi before dropping 1080 on the Tararua Ranges near Levin.
DoC's Wairarapa operations manager Robbie Shaw said the planned operation has been split into two parts, one on the east of the Tararua Ranges (the eastern block) and one on the west, ahead of the planned hui.
"The main reason for the split at this time is that DoC still has to complete engagement with iwi on the western side of the ranges. We have been working to reschedule an in-person hui with local iwi, following the pause on face-to-face meetings during lockdown, and have a hui arranged in the next few weeks," he said.
"The outcomes of our engagement with iwi on the western side will, as always, strongly inform any decision we make about this half of the operation, but won't be the only factor in deciding on when an operation might go ahead.
"Any decision about the operation will be clearly communicated with the local community as well as iwi."
The joint OSPRI and DoC operation on the eastern block has been given consent to go ahead by the Ministry of Health.