Protecting forest canopy and native bird habitat is the focus of an upcoming Department of Conservation predator control operation at Pirongia Forest Park.
The park contains nationally significant examples of ecosystems and threatened taonga species, including grey warblers, fantails, tomtits, pipits, harriers, kingfishers, New Zealand falcons, kererū, tūī, rifleman, bellbirds and whiteheads.
North Island robin and kōkako have recently returned to the maunga and translocation programmes continue to ensure the survival of their populations, says Daniel Heinrich, DoC's regional director for Hauraki Waikato Taranaki.
"Mt Pirongia is also home to the nationally critical long-tailed bat, and Dactylanthus taylorii/pua o te reinga, a small native plant which is parasitic and grows underground. We must do everything we can to support those species by controlling predators."
The Mt Pirongia control operation involves use of cereal pellets containing 1080 – a toxin approved for the control of pest species such as possums, rats and stoats. Applied aerially, 1080 is the most effective control method over large areas, and only viable method in remote, rugged terrain, says DoC.