Outgoing DairyNZ chairman Jim van der Poel was farewelled at the Annual General Meeting yesterday. Photo / DairyNZ
Outgoing DairyNZ chairman Jim van der Poel was farewelled at the Annual General Meeting yesterday. Photo / DairyNZ
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DairyNZ’s annual meeting was a huge day for the industry, with the announcement of two successful director candidates and Jim van der Poel serving his final day as chairman.
“He came and shared some thoughts with us around the importance of a fully functioning R&D framework going forward and we look forward to some announcements coming from the Government on how that might look for the future.”
Meanwhile, Richard McIntyre from Levin, was elected to DairyNZ’s Board of Directors, and Jacqueline Rowarth, from Tīrau, was re-elected.
“We’re very lucky to have such a high standard of people go into the election process,” Brown said.
“I just really want to ... congratulate and welcome Jacqueline back onto the board and Richard, of course, on to the board as the new director.”
The evening ended with DairyNZ and others across the sector and country formally thanking van der Poel for a quarter century of leadership within DairyNZ and the wider dairy sector.
“We also spent some time to celebrate the fabulous contribution Jim’s made to the sector as our outgoing chair,” Brown said.
This included a video tribute with messages from Sir Dryden Spring, Dame Jacinda Ardern, and MP Barbara Kuriger.
Van der Poel summarised the past year and acknowledged that it was easy to lose sight of the good when faced with a relentless series of challenges.
He said those good things included DairyNZ’s history of investing in research, extension, resources, and solutions as they support our on-farm decision-making.
In a statement, Brown said van der Poel had supported the sector through the Mycoplasma bovis biosecurity incursion, changes in Government, and environmental policy change.
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“Despite the challenges, Jim showed time and time again he was a strong leader for dairy and advocated for the best outcomes for farmers.”
Van der Poel said: “It has been my privilege to not only lead within our sector but to serve beside fellow dairy farmers”.
“Together I feel we have always done what is right rather than what is easy and that is why we continue to be a world-leading dairy nation and a huge contributor to the wellbeing of this country.”
More from DairyNZ’s AGM
DairyNZ chair-elect, Tracy Brown said there was a great turnout for the AGM. Photo / DairyNZ
The AGM highlighted areas where DairyNZ will continue to deliver value for levy-payers, including through the reducing GHG emissions programme, providing credible evidence to support farm profitability and stepping up New Zealand’s rate of genetic gain.
All resolutions were approved, including ratifying David Hunt as an independent director.
It was announced that Ellen Barlett would fill the directors’ remuneration committee vacancy for a 12-month term given no formal nominations.
DairyNZ’s Board of Directors comprises five farmer-elected and three independent directors.
A recording of the meeting will be made available on DairyNZ’s website this week at dairynz.co.nz/agm
Brown will become DairyNZ chairwoman following a formal board process within two weeks.