A new system to allow dairy effluent to be recycled and used to fertilise pasture has won the 2018 Irrigation Innovation Award.
The Vibra Screen by Rainer Irrigation removes effluent solids larger than 1mm, with the liquid able to be applied to pasture through centre pivot irrigators.
Effluent is applied to dairy pastures allowing farmers to reduce fertiliser application to those areas, but is most often applied through small travelling irrigators.
Applying effluent through centre pivot irrigators allows for a larger area to be covered and for more consistent application. Technology does exist currently allowing for effluent to be applied through centre pivot irrigators but it can be problematic as blockages often occur.
"We were getting frustrated with having to repair existing effluent separators that were not reliable and had high maintenance costs for clients," says Gavin Briggs of Rainer Irrigation.