Half the consignment packaged and ready for organiser and deliverer Haley Butcher to take to Omāhu Marae.
Half the consignment packaged and ready for organiser and deliverer Haley Butcher to take to Omāhu Marae.
It all started when Haley Butcher of Dannevirke saw Cyclone Gabrielle’s devastation in Hawke’s Bay and Tararua District.
With whānau in both, she wondered how she could help.
A quick talk with her mum Nannette, and the answer was “soup”.
Calling together a few friends, they cooked up a batch. But when it came to delivery, the road to the coast where Ākitio and Herbertville were in dire need was blocked. But, amazingly, access to Hawke’s Bay was open – just.
Contacting whānau there, they were able to send the soup to Omāhu Marae, which arranged distribution to accessible areas. The generosity was so well-received that the mum and daughter decided on a repeat - only not soup this time, but real, substantial kai, meat and vege style.
Word went around the town and things started to happen.
Mākirikiri Marae offered its cooking facilities, Omāhu Marae provided the food cartons, The Meat Company’s John Shannon and friends agreed to process donated meat, vegetables were sourced at discounted rates, Haley’s work at Te Kete Hauora helped with funding and her time and the team swung into action, with volunteers coming from as far as Pahīatua.
The Kai Manahi group about to serve up the kai for Napier.
It is a massive operation divvying up the food.
It started to look pretty tasty and comprised beef casserole, mashed potato, and carrots. Last week, it was venison!
The next Thursday, a convoy went north - the coast seemingly okay thanks to generosity from elsewhere in Tararua District - and 200 meals were delivered to Omāhu Marae then distributed to Puketapu, Napier and even some of the Esk Valley.
Almost four months later, it is still happening every Thursday as local generosity of goods and time continues to be forthcoming.
So far, 3500 meals have been sent.
The Kai Manahi group about to serve up the kai for Napier.
The need is still there, with many from red and yellow-stickered homes still in temporary accommodation.
Haley says she still experiences a feeling of guilt when she sees the abandoned homes in Hawke’s Bay - a feeling that she is not doing enough.
She says she will continue as long as the need and the generosity continues.
She says she would be sorry to stop as she has made many friends, and Omāhu Marae is so grateful she was even invited as an honoured guest to a visit by the Māori King at the marae some months ago. This featured on Maori Television.
The group calls itself Kai Manahi, which translates to ‘caring through food’, and last week the group was donated printed T-shirts.
If anyone would like to volunteer meat, vegetables, cash, equipment or time, contact Haley Butcher on 027 469 7573.