Kiwis are being encouraged to support New Zealand's pig farmers by only buying "home grown" pork during Covid-19 restrictions.
New Zealand pig farmers are deemed an essential service and are continuing to farm through Alert Levels 2-4, but with many restaurants closed, the sector is concerned about a possible surplus of pigs.
Now, NZ Pork has launched a social media campaign to encourage Kiwis to back local farmers and choose New Zealand born and raised pork over imported pork.
"Approximately 60 per cent of pork consumed in New Zealand is imported, with much of it produced using practices illegal in this country," chief executive of NZ Pork, David Baines said.
Consumers should look for the "100% NZ pork", or the Born and Raised in New Zealand PigCare label, Baines said.
"If it says 'made in New Zealand from local and imported ingredients', then chances are it's imported.
"We encourage people to ask their retailer for home grown pork, and when buying online, search for '100% NZ Pork' - you will be buying a fresh and healthy product and supporting farmers working hard through the Covid-19 restrictions."
As part of the campaign, Kiwis will get the chance to "meet" some of the farmers behind their pork.
"Pig farmers know that the more contented the pig, the better the pork," Baines said.
"We'll be sharing the stories of some of New Zealand's pig farmers talking about what makes New Zealand pork such a delicious and quality product."
Imported pork was also often heavily subsidised, which, coupled with the lower welfare standards, meant it was cheaper than New Zealand pork, Baines said.
The pork sector is closely monitoring the pig supply situation in a bid to ensure it won't face an animal welfare crisis during the Covid-19 restrictions.
Commercial piggeries typically supply pigs to market on a weekly basis with much of their produce going to independent butchers.
Baines said there were fears of a surplus of pigs on-farm due to Covid-19 restrictions, with Auckland locked down in Level 4 and the hospitality sector in the rest of New Zealand operating at a reduced capacity in Level 2.
Chief executive of NZPork, David Baines. Photo / Supplied
"Pig farmers are concerned about potential animal welfare issues. Overcrowding of pigs in pens constitutes a significant welfare issue under the animal welfare code.
"Reduced production capacity, due to measures designed to prevent the spread of Covid-19, has also presented processing challenges and wholesalers do not have the blast freezer and storage capacity to freeze the surplus volume."
Most manufacturers of bacon and ham now mainly used imported pork in their products and did not operate boning rooms or employ staff who could process the additional New Zealand pigs, Baines said.