An application for a plan change that would allow an intensive residential subdivision on the Wooing Tree vineyard site in Cromwell should be approved subject to modifications, Central Otago District Council planning consultant David Whitney says.
The proposal, from Wooing Tree Holdings Ltd, is to change the zoning of the 25.4ha area of residential resource land (6) to apply a mixture of resource area (zone) provisions that would allow higher-density residential subdivision and development.
A 789-page report, comprising the application, planning and other reports and submissions, will be discussed by a hearings panel in Cromwell from November 28-30.
A report from Vivian + Espie on behalf of the applicant said the proposal would provide a "carefully planned development that maintains and enhances community wellbeing, and retains areas of green space".
Forty-one submissions were received on the proposal, 20 of which opposed it, including one submission of opposition representing 26 people. Another 11 supported it either in whole, in part or with conditions; nine either opposed it in part or opposed and supported it in part; and one neither supported nor opposed it.