“My family helped fund and build the hall 100 years ago and my father and uncle organised the last celebration 25 years ago when the hall turned 75,” says Turnwald.
He says the hall, which stands proudly on the village’s main street, has been a pivotal part of the community for 100 years.
The hall on the main street - SH3.
Events include dances, silent movies, fundraising galas, community group meetings and socials, Anzac services, wedding breakfasts, Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and Girl Guides, indoor bowls, table tennis, and now darts.
Turnwald welcomes anyone with any allegiance to the village, and any memories of their time spent at functions at the hall, to attend on Sunday and share those memories.
He says there will be afternoon tea and the cutting of a cake, but the main purpose is to rekindle friendships and learn more about Ōhaupō memorial Hall over 100 years.