Pest control can be a tricky thing, but after this weekend's Acacia Bay predator-free launch party you'll be taught to trap your own pests and help keep our native birds alive.
While the most common death of possums, rats, and stoats is being run over, this is not the best way to get rid of pests. Traps will be available at the event for subsidised prices, and the launch party will include a workshop to show the smarter, safer way to protect New Zealand's native bird species.
The aim of Predator Free Acacia Bay is to make the bay predator free. Predator Free Acacia Bay also received Kiwibank funding which has enabled the traps to be offered at a discount. The Acacia Bay Residents Association supports the venture.
Predator Free Acacia Bay follows the launch of Predator Free Taupo in June, set up to make the Taupo district predator-free and encouraging the community to become more involved in protecting native birds in Taupo.
The start-up of Predator Free Acacia Bay team means that Greening Taupo and Project Tongariro have been able to keep more projects going in different areas around the lake.