Fishers planning to be in the Bay of Islands over the summer holidays are being reminded about the rahui at Maunganui Bay/Deep Water Cove.
The rahui does not stop visitors who wish to dive, swim or anchor in the bay, but the taking of fish and shellfish other than kina (sea eggs/urchins) is prohibited.
The area near Rawhiti in the eastern Bay of Islands is closed to all fishing, except for gathering kina, until October 13, 2018, under section 186A of the Fisheries Act.
Local hapu Ngati Kuta and Patukeha of Te Rawhiti initiated the rahui (temporary closure) in 2010, to enable fish stocks to replenish.
The hapu and recreational visitors say the rahui is working, and report abundant marine life in the bay and around the wreck of the HMS Canterbury, sunk in 2007, to create an artificial reef.