Matty Barndis and Matt Isaacs compete in the Bore Cut event at the 140th Whangārei A&P Show in 2020. Photo / Tania Whyte
Matty Barndis and Matt Isaacs compete in the Bore Cut event at the 140th Whangārei A&P Show in 2020. Photo / Tania Whyte
Around 10,000 people are expected to flock to Barge Park this Saturday to revel in the Whangārei A&P Show back after a Covid-induced hiatus.
The extravaganza, now in its 141st year, was sorely missed last year but is back with a full schedule of family fun this Saturday.
Whangārei A&P Show project coordinator Ellie Ball said Barge Park was abuzz with excitement about the reunion of the show community after the time apart.
“To see that people are really excited about it still after all these years is great,” she said.
Some of the must-see events at the show this year are Jake Whitaker’s spectacular and thrilling Moto trails and Enduro dirt bike stunt show, and the vibrant, dynamic Waikato-based Japanese drummers Wai Taiko.
Ball said other highlights include Suzie Moo’s 10th birthday party and the chance to meet Northland’s police dogs.
The show promises to delight with animals of all shapes and sizes, great trade sites and food, while also supporting many community groups and organisations.
Buddy Grey pedal powers the Wirlitza fun ride for kids at the Whangārei A&P Show in 2020. Photo / Tania Whyte
Whangārei A&P Society chief executive Chris Mason said uniting communities is one of the most important aspects of the event.
“The show has a unique ability to bring many different communities together while celebrating and sharing rural excellence and knowledge.”
The event also strives to showcase the importance of agriculture, such as where our food comes from and respect for the land.
EcoSolutions, which focuses on positive climate action and education throughout Northland, is hosting a ‘sustainability hub’ at either end of Food Avenue.
Their motto – less waste, more happiness – aligns with the show’s values about changing behaviour within homes, businesses, schools and the local community to make an overall difference to the environment.
A new designated water refill station, sponsored by Water Flow NZ Ltd, will be available on the day and showgoers are encouraged to bring their own reusable bottles to top up.
Whangārei A&P Society president Evan Smeath said they support any positive changes that reinforce future sustainability at the show.
‘We want locals and families to enjoy this spectacular event for many generations to come. There are small steps we can start with now that will make a difference in the future.
“Working towards sustainability goals is a continuous journey, and we’d love to have the support of the public that attend the show and of course all the competitors and tradespeople that come along on the day. Over time, small changes create big change,” he said.
Gates are open at Barge Park in Maunu from 9am to 4.30pm with $10 entry or $5 for school students and free for kids aged 5 and under.