Next year Rural Women New Zealand Pōkuru Branch are holding 70th birthday celebrations.
Formerly Women Division of Federated Farmers, a branch started in Pōkuru in March 1949.
From the first minute book:
The Pokuru Ladies Social Club held its Annual Meeting on Tuesday March 22nd 1949 at the residence of Mrs Boswell there was a very good attendance. Mrs Ray, Waipa Provincial President of the WDFF gave a very comprehensive explanation of all branches of the Women Division. Mrs Turner then proposed and Mrs Boswell seconded that a Branch of the Women Division of the Federated Farmers be formed. Elected officers were Mrs Boswell — President, Miss B West — Secretary/Treasurer, Mrs Law — Assistant Secretary, Mrs S Harris — Vice President, Committee — Mrs Smith, Mrs Kovaleski, Mrs Berry, Mrs Woolly. Subscriptions 2/6. To meet each month on the fourth Tuesdays. Four Tea Hostesses were appointed for each meeting. A very enjoyable afternoon was bought to a close with a very dainty afternoon tea.
Next year will be the 70th year the group has been meeting and there have been many changes over that time.
On October 15, 1999 the name changed to Rural Women New Zealand. Homecare changed their name to Access Homehealth. This started out as a service for rural women known as Bush Nurses.