Content brought to you by PGG Wrightson.
This week The Country's Jamie Mackay is joined by PGG Wrightson's GM for wool, Grant Edwards to look at how the wool market is faring this month, post New Zealand's Covid-19 lockdown.
Mackay said the wool market was in real trouble as it was down 25 per cent from where it was in late February and early March. Two recent auctions saw full length crossbred fleece least affected and strong lamb's wool suffering the most, taking a 35-40 per cent hit.
New Zealand was not alone, as Australian wool prices had also taken a hit and fine wool prices had halved since September 2019, said Mackay.
For some historic perspective Mackay spoke of 1968 where he would get NZD $5 at auction for strong wool, and that same wool today was estimated to get NZD $1.70 a kilo.