Crossan, who was previously a dairy farmer, organises this annual match on the last Sunday in February each year, and for the third time in a row, the Hort Growers took out the game.
“What format do you play, T20, or surely not 50 overs?” Mackay asked.
“We play thirty overs, so everyone has the opportunity for a bat and a ball with a drinks break in between,” Crossan said.
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“It is getting harder to find dairy farmers for our game with conversions and changes happening in the area and more kiwifruit farms replacing dairy farms.”
Mackay asked, “How have you found the transition from dairy farmer to spraying contractor, as it must be similar in many ways having to get up early when you were a dairy farmer and now still early starts to spray before the wind gets up, how do you stay Farmstrong?”
“Running the cricket event and helping others are the key things that keep me busy,” Crossan said.
This event ticks all the boxes on the five ways to well-being that Farmstrong promotes.
It connects people, it gives back to the community, it moves the body, it helps people appreciate the simple pleasures in life, and it freshens up the mind - people are learning new and different skills for the game.
So, it’s more than just a game.
It’s fun with a serious underlying message - don’t forget to look after yourself.
Farming and growing come with a lot of challenges each year.
Taking time out to do different things and reset mentally really helps people navigate the challenges.
“The whole intention of the game is to get farmers and growers to down-tools and have a day away from the farm or orchard, get together with some like-minded people and have some fun,” Crossan said.