So far DairyNZ had spoken to more than 700 farmers at the meetings, where Burger said people were feeling "concerned", "overwhelmed" and "anxious".
"What we have in front of us is a very large amount of information on a very complex subject and only a very short period of time to really get our heads around it and make a submission".
Listen below:
For farmers who can't attend the meetings, Burger said he will also be hosting a webinar today from 1.30pm-2.30pm.
DairyNZ is also encouraging farmers to make submissions to MfE on the proposals before the October 31 deadline.
Essential Freshwater meetings
Waikato (Ngatea)
Friday, 4 October, 11am-1pm
Palmerston North
Monday, 7 October, 11.30am-1pm (DairyNZ/Federated Farmers event)
Waikato (Matamata)
Wednesday, 9 October, 7pm-9pm
Submission drop-in sessions
Tuesday, 8 October, 10am-2pm (presentation at 11am)
Bay of Plenty
Friday, 11 October, 9.30am-2pm
Friday, 11 October, 10am-2pm
A webinar for dairy farmers and rural professionals is being held today presented by Dr David Burger, DairyNZ strategy investment leader and water quality scientist.
Thursday, 3 October, 1.30pm-2.30pm
For events and webinar info visit