“It’s not a simple task, but one that farmers are clearly focused on achieving,” he said.
“The work involved in improving wintering practices includes providing comfortable lying surfaces, excluding stock from waterways, and protecting critical source areas.”
Kitto said the findings emphasised the expanding range of tools in the toolbox for farmers.
“DairyNZ’s role is to support that depth of options for farmers to run their businesses sustainably and profitably.
“A range of farm-specific tactics is the best bet to ensure the best outcomes for both cows and environment.”
Other strategies used to minimise mud and improve lying conditions include back fencing (temporary fences to protect previously grazed areas), portable troughs, providing extra straw as a dry bedding material and moving the break fence multiple times a day.
The number of farmers who had written plans remained stable at 80%, significantly higher than in earlier years.
DairyNZ said this was important because farmers with a wintering plan implement more good wintering practices than those without one.
The use of contingency plans for bad weather also increased to 74%, substantially higher than the year before.
Kitto said this was crucial to ensure the whole farm team knew what to do when bad weather hit.
“Winter weather is always an unknown, but the certain thing is that in rain or shine, New Zealand dairy farmers know they need to care for their animals and land, right through to the end of winter, and that is what we have seen.”
Listen to Jamie Mackay interview Justin Kitto on The Country below:
The results also showed that 99% of respondents had their stock excluded from waterways, while 100% had buffers around waterways to filter contaminants before they reached a waterway.
Kitto said farmers should be proud of improving their winter management practices over the past few years.
“Especially the continued dedication this past season.
“This work is being recognised.”