Sonya is a regional content leader for the Bay of Plenty Times and Rotorua Daily Post
Sonya Bateson is a writer, reader, and crafter raising her family in Tauranga. She is a millennial who enjoys eating avocado on toast, drinking lattes and defying stereotypes. As a sceptic, she reserves the right to change her mind when presented with new evidence.

Pedestrian badly hurt in rural crash
A man has been seriously injured after being hit by a car on a rural road near Katikati.

A&P Show great for 'citified' kids
There was something for everyone at the Tauranga A&P Lifestyle Show yesterday - from strongmen throwing heavy rocks to sheep racing

Workers will be relieved at Affco ruling
A decision by the Employment Court that Affco NZ unlawfully locked out seasonal meatworkers has been upheld by the Court of Appeal

Ruling due on palm kernel ship
Barry O'Neill, chief executive of Kiwifruit Vine Health, is pleased with the way MPI has dealt with the ship carrying palm kernel