Mike Hosking has hosted his number one Breakfast show on Newstalk ZB since 2008. Listen live each weekday from 6am on Newstalk ZB.
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Govt shoots itself in the foot with its bungled buyback
COMMENT: The gun back won't get close to ridding New Zealand of high-powered weapons.

Hosking: One Govt MP showing some real leadership
COMMENT: Leadership is being bold, or brave in slightly awkward or difficult cases.

Mike Hosking: Don't try to make me buy an electric car
COMMENT: Genter needs to spend some time in rural NZ to stay in touch.

Hosking: How can 5pc be a pass rate for emissions deal?
COMMENT: NZ can't do much, compared to China, India, and America.

Hosking: Westland Milk sale will see xenophobes out in force
Comment: "Foreign investment, like it or not, makes this country run."

Hosking: Provincial Growth Fund looking dodgier by the day
Comment: The PGF of today doesn't look as flash as it did just 18 months ago.

Hosking: Lazy Kiwis refuse to work in orchards for good money
COMMENT: Some work-shy people are slack, lazy, can't be bothered, interested in excuses.

Mike Hosking: Hats off to a farmer who tells it like it is
Hosking: Comments are colourful and not PC but they're not all that inaccurate.

Hosking: Three threats to the economy may come crashing together
Comment: They've turned what was a rock-star into a pub karaoke croaker.

Hosking: Wake up Shane Jones - don't waste the regional fund
COMMENT: Shane Jones has to take himself a lot more seriously if he expects others to.

Hosking: Stupid climate solutions - people don't want to bike to work
COMMENT: Are we prepared to wreck economy and standard of living to tackle climate change.

Mike Hosking: Why mining has always been part of the equation
Comment: 'Labour and the Greens don't get sensible middle New Zealand's view of the world'

Hosking: Just add water for a xenophobic political 'scandal'
COMMENT: Where's all the hysteria gone from giving away bottled water rights for free?

Hosking: Govt's ballsy call to eradicate Mycoplasma bovis
COMMENT: Govt has bit the bullet and put a shed load of dough behind eradication.

Hosking: Govt's exploration ban a pig of a policy
COMMENT: Taranaki's mayor is right - Govt decision to halt new exploration hurts region.

Hosking: Greens are drips when it comes to water use
COMMENT: The Greens seem to dream of compost, wheelbarrows, chook poo and quinoa.

Mike Hosking: Deary me - what's going on at Fonterra?
COMMENT: Goings on at one of our biggest companies are leaving a sour taste.

Mike Hosking: The dairy sector is not in crisis
I like to see the glass half full, and I have the facts to back that view. If you still want to see the glass half empty - you're the loser, writes Mike Hosking.

Mike Hosking: Misery peddlers are milking a crisis
Yes, these are tough times for dairy farmers but we should trust those with the industry's interests at heart, writes Mike Hosking.

Does Andrew Little really want more foreign investment?
Andrew is spending the week trying to scare the bejesus out of us over dairy.

Mike Hosking: 'Nothing is wrong with dairy'
If a problem arises on a Monday it might not... and doesn't need to be fixed by Tuesday.