Senior reporter, NZ Herald
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Cream recall sparks illness concerns
News that Fonterra has recalled some batches of fresh cream has people worried that illness they have suffered is due to consuming the contaminated product.

New Fonterra contamination scare
Fonterra says the potential contamination of 14 milk tankers with mud and gravel is a "very minor incident" and its safety systems worked as intended.

Fonterra eases tension in Sri Lanka
New Zealand has pushed Fonterra's case in meetings with the Sri Lankan government following a tumultuous month which saw the dairy giant temporarily shut down its Sri Lankan operations.

Climate scientist's grim warning
Farmers need to adapt for a drier future as events like the 'once-in-a-lifetime' drought become closer to the norm.

Drought trouble: More regions ask for help
Most of the North Island could be declared a drought zone by the end of the week, but Prime Minister John Key says the impact on the Government's books remains to be seen.

Farmers in crisis as city fills pools
Big dry forces stock selloffs, but Aucklanders can still water gardens, wash cars thanks to Waikato River supplies

Drought extended across North Island
Droughts have been declared in South Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Hawkes Bay regions, a week after drought was declared in Northland.

Dairy clear of DCD from November - Ministry
Testing for a toxic agricultural substance in New Zealand dairy products has found no traces of it after mid-November last year.