Director of Forest 360
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Trump, tariffs, and NZ's forestry industry: Marcus Musson
Sponsored content: Fingers crossed Europeans get a hankering for Chinese-made furniture.

Marcus Musson: Positive signs from China but forest owners should hold the high-fives
Sponsored content: Don’t go out and plan that trip to the Bahamas yet.

Marcus Musson: Spring has sprung but log prices haven't
Sponsored content: Opinion - log and lamb prices have a lot in common this month.

Marcus Musson: Supply and demand causing issues for log exports
OPINION: Quarter three started with August prices down about $4/cu m from July.

Forestry and the drive to 'Survive to '25'
Sponsored content: OPINION: Not much movement with exports, China, or the carbon market.

OPINION: Forestry - brace yourselves, June is upon us
OPINION: Market bottom hit with no price bounce for the first time in 15 years.

Opinion: Hope from China as log prices drop
OPINION: Winter is coming, but thankfully the news isn’t all bleak.

Comment: 'Bloody hell, what's next?'
Marcus Musson looks at the forestry industry post-Cyclone Gabrielle.

Hard to see upside for forestry until things dry out
Extreme weather in the North Island has had a big impact on forestry.

Marcus Musson: Medium term forestry outlook pessimistic
Despite current concerns, the long-term outlook for the forestry industry looks solid.

Comment: Log price rise a flash in the pan
The outlook for the Chinese construction sector is about as rosy as Rotorua's motel strip

Marcus Musson: Light at end of tunnel for forestry exports
After a miserable July for the sector, things are looking slightly brighter for August.

Comment: Light at end of tunnel for forestry sector after challenges of June
June is particularly difficult in the cyclical forestry industry

Comment: Fuel price increase adds to challenge for forestry sector
Marcus Musson writes he expects another turbulent year ahead for the industry.

Time to get forestry's steel undies on again
The forestry industry is facing volatile global conditions.

Export log myths
One log as as many as 10 different grades and the higher up the lower the value.

Log market ends year on a low
The 2021 export log market will be known as the biggest rollercoaster in memory.

Export log price slide continues
The scary bit of this slide is the magnitude. It's the largest since the 90s Asian Crisis.

Forest owners lumbered with backlog cost
Increase in spot carbon price is probably due to speculation rather than pure demand

Log trading: The ups and downs
The issue with margin trading is that it becomes a numbers game.

Comment: Port congestion problematic in June
The average wait time for vessels is 22 days at a daily cost of US$30,000.

Comment: Log price hikes welcomed
New Zealand is the biggest supplier of softwood into China by a substantial margin.

Opinion: Export log prices remain high
Opinion: The unexpected log price highs are due simply to supply and demand.

Comment: NZ forestry on a high
Forest owners and investors are enjoying returns as high as we have seen in many years.

Comment: Seeing the wood for the trees
Opinion: Supply and demand imbalances different this year with various factors impacting.

Log markets appear tickety-boo
Markets appear positive around the traps and forest owners are making tidy returns.

Chinese demand and Aussie stoush fuel demand for Kiwi logs
China has come out of the Covid blocks firing and spending large on infrastructure.

Export log prices on the up
The additional supply to China is likely to continue as Europe combats beetle infestation.

Marcus Musson: Advice about forestry compliance
COMMENT: There is a view that the forestry compliance pendulum has swung too far.

Marcus Musson takes stand against the haters
The need for informed discussion around land use conversion has never been so important.

Export log market is fickle
How long the export market stays subdued for is anyone's guess.