Laurel Stowell is a reporter for the Whanganui Chronicle
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'It was very good, quick work' - senior firefighter
Potentially contaminated water diverted away from Whanganui River.
'Dire consequences' if farming emissions go into ETS
Farmers are weighing up options for paying for greenhouse gas emissions.
'We aren't cowboys'
The operators have addressed a school's concerns about sprays at a new kiwifruit orchard.
'Devastating' dog attack kills at least 80 lambs, many more injured
Cost of shearing and burying adds to financial loss from dog attack on lambs.
'No one left until the last dog was sold' - club secretary
People come from all over the lower North Island to buy reputable working dogs
'Pretty tough conditions for beekeepers'
Honey exports are up but prices are down in a time of oversupply.
Access problems continue on Kauarapaoa Rd
A washout on Kauarapaoa Rd affects logging operations and access to Whanganui.
Ātihau operation adapts to deal with Covid's impact on markets
The incorporation's earnings were down slightly for the last financial year.
Waverley dairy farms scoop environmental awards
Two Waverley dairy farms are fencing and protecting biodiversity in their gullies.
'How cool is that?' Journeys of a migratory bird
Godwit AJD was late arriving in Whanganui, probably blown off course by a storm.
Dream job for graduate vet
The variety of work and her love of the outdoors drew Netta Rousell to Whanganui.
'Unworkable regulations' focus of Groundswell protest
Protesters against farming regulations have again driven around Whanganui.
'I'm one of the lucky ones' - Woman beats one of the deadliest cancers
77-year-old former farmer defeats dangerous cancer through proactive approach and surgery.
Where the wild things are: Closer than you'd think
Wild deer are an increasing problem in the Whanganui region, along with pigs and goats.
Dryer at Tangiwai pulp mill catches fire for second time
Fire and Emergency NZ called to pulp mill for second time in week.
Seabed mining ruling: Trans-Tasman Resources sees clear legal pathway to having consents re-approved at EPA
Mining firm sees clear legal pathway to consents, despite Supreme Court rejection.
'It's been quite trying': Covid-19 could wreck Waverley show's 100th celebrations
If the area is still under level 2 Waverley's A & P celebrations will be postponed.
'Absolutely thrilled' with funding for biodiversity projects
Schools are among 21 groups sharing Horizons' $260,000 biodiversity grant fund.
DoC plans two more aerial 1080 drops to protect region's birds
DoC says the 1080 drops will help endangered flora and fauna.
Intensive farming consents delayed again
Nitrogen-leaching measurement software used by Horizons Regional Council isn't accurate.
New whitebaiting rules in force this season
There will be an information evening about the new rules on August 26 in Whanganui.
DoC ranger encouraged by interest in predator trapping
DoC offers advice and traps to backyard predator trappers in Whanganui
Horizons releases mite to curb plant pest
European mite introduced to limit vitality of a rampant weed - old man's beard.
Rabobank's decision to close accounts frustrates farmers
The bank says it could have better emphasised a more flexible timeframe.
Winter grazing rules shift focus to sheep, water systems
Winter grazing practices are improving but new water systems are needed by some farmers.
Plans to trap wildlife predators around Whanganui
Chris Smith and Milly Mitchell-Anyon want co-ordinated predator trapping in Whanganui.
'Timely' move to monitor winter grazing in Rangitīkei
Horizons Regional Council monitors intensive winter grazing for the first time
Farmland Foods moves into former Mars factory
Bulls cooked meats manufacturer re-purposes Whanganui facility for use.
Firefighter retires after 56 years
Firefighter Jes Sorensen is retiring to write his memoir and work on his house.
Businessman ditched by bank for being debt-free
'A bank may decide to withdraw products and services for commercial reasons.'
Waipipi Wind Farm opens on time, under budget
The farm's turbines are the biggest in New Zealand for both rotors and generators.
Construction of new road to Waiinu Beach set to begin
All-weather access to Waiinu Beach will be created by extension of Nukumaru Station Rd.
Group says it's time to review activities around waterways
Farmers have been receptive to the idea of working together on water quality.
'Jobs for Nature' team helps and monitors region's native fish
Young conservationists move across region monitoring and aiding native fish species.
Peppery horopito leaves form basis for Ruapehu business
Rhayne employs six to eight, and harvests and sells the leaves of native plants.
Ski season begins at Ohakune with carnival spirit
Carrot Carnival and Growers' Games lead the festivities.
Farmers asked to focus on winter grazing practices
The campaign comes ahead of new rules on intensive winter grazing next year.
Horizons 'overreaching' in Long Term Plan
Cut overambitious work plan and concentrate on freshwater and other basics, farmers say.
Committee to distribute Waipipi Wind Farm's $25,000 community fund
The farm is also in the process of changing ownership.
In pictures: Mud flies and engines roar in 4x4 challenge
Hundreds watch extreme 4x4 vehicles tackle gruelling challenges on a Turakina farm.
Four thousand central North Island properties without power
A fault on the Transpower network has cut electricity to the central North Island.
Produce supply could be affected without bridge fix, warns mayor
Getting food to market is made difficult or impossible by ageing rail overbridges.
New dyehouse for expanding Tasman Tanning
New dyehouse marks first stage in expansion for Tasman Tanning.
Rural Women Walk the World takes in historic Whanganui sites
About 35 register for a fundraising walk across Marangai/Fordell farms.
Operations normal at wind farm amid tilt for ownership
Agreements will be honoured despite a possible change of ownership, Tilt's manager says.
'Modest' improvement to water quality from plan change
About 250 operators are expected to apply for land use consent under the revised rules.
Fine weather needed for boat fishing contest
Committee prepares for Whanganui's 15th Easter boat fishing contest.
More 'little rays of sunshine' at forest sanctuary
It's been a busy year at Bushy Park Tarapuruhi, with a better hihi breeding season.
Wind farm 'challenging, but well worth doing'
Warwick Lupton and David Alexander have enjoyed and profited from Waipipi Wind Farm.
All turbines up and running at Waipipi Wind Farm
All 31 turbines are now generating electricity.
Our biggest decision: What to do about water
Big decisions are looming for councils in the Government's three waters reform programme.
Big spend to keep Denlair Rd open during logging
Logging truck damage to Denlair Rd brings debate about forestry roads into focus.
Commercial property investors buy former sawmill site
The new owners are now looking for tenants who may provide local jobs.
Tasman Tanning gets contract to process 1.8 million hides
But the company has told the council it will not result in more chromium discharge.
Berry farm owner seeking new challenge
Windermere Farms makes use of latest technology and science to up production.
'Battle' over residents' ability to drain coastal lagoon
Councils talk over process of applying for consent to partially drain coastal lagoon.
Council says high daily contaminant levels don't breach consents
Daily limits were exceeded but trade waste consents were not breached, council CEO says.
Iwi buys bigger share of coastal Rangitīkei farm
Rangitīkei iwi increases its investment in highly productive coastal farm.
Turning 21 in 2021: Millennium babies on growing up in the 21st century
Seven young Whanganui people turn 21 in 2021 - and are looking ahead to their futures.
Farm equity continues to rise in 'crazy' Covid year
The worth of the Ātihau Whanganui Incorporation continues to rise.
High hopes for better hihi breeding at Bushy Park
An Otago University Masters student is monitoring hihi breeding success this season.
Council launches campaign against fly-tipping
The public are asked to use a new phone app to help the council catch fly-tippers.
Council's climate change targets align with NZ goals
Whanganui District Council wants feedback on its climate change strategy.
Use of farm for training near Marton secured
The Howard family stays involved in a long term future for the former Westoe farm.
Regional council to decide on prison stormwater discharge
The Whanganui Prison stormwater discharge new consent has been on hold since 2013.
Resident concerned about pūkeko deaths in industrial area
The Whanganui District Council says a new wetland area is being developed nearby.
Crane clears logs piled against Waimarie wharf
The spring flood on September 26-27 piled up logs against the wharf.
Bushy Park to be extended
Bushy Park Trust invites community to help in forest edge planting.
Whanganui's carbon footprint revealed
The rural sector is unhappy with agriculture's perceived contribution to climate change.
Thomas elected to farmer council, Journeaux steps down
Thomas aims to focus on improving the mental health of farmers and farm workers.
Chainsaws to lamb docking - learn tricks of the trade at lifestyle farming day
Lifestyle Farming Club aims to provide information and social time for lifestyle farmers.
DoC to stop using volunteer river rangers
Difficulty of training volunteers caused DOC to employ hut rangers instead.
Whanganui 2050: Slow change, diversity the future of agriculture
Future farmers will need to choose plants suited to changing climate conditions.
Cargo company seeks to grow sea freight
Coastal Bulk Shipping hopes for 50 per cent increase in cargo for MV Anatoki.
Council to prosecute meat processor
Rāhui on Hāwera's Tawhiti Stream to remain until it is returned to full health.