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Mayor says minister promised officials would visit Wairoa before Three Waters decision
Wairoa mayor Craig Little says a promise has been broken by Nanaia Mahuta.

The balancing act on what will become NZ's last unsealed highway
Mayor says drivers hit the gravel and decide to u-turn: "The road turns people away."

Hawke's Bay mayors say Government water takeover 'pretty scary'
Hawke's Bay mayors say they gave the Government the path forward, but were ignored.

Horror ute roll: Farming community rallies to find missing dog
Five-year-old Glen has been missing more than a week, missing the birth of his six pups.

Hawke's Bay Farmers' Market ute stolen from Hastings market
The Hawke's Bay Farmers' Market ute was stolen at the weekend.

Workers injured in three separate morning incidents in Hawke's Bay
Rescue chopper responds to three work accidents over five hours this morning.

Weekday log train services between Napier and Wairoa to start Monday
The number of log trains between Wairoa and Napier will go from two to five next week.

Storm coming for Hawke's Bay: Strong winds, heavy rain, and a snow warning
The stormy winds are coming, and they're going to have a bite to them.

Napier, the town where the water runs brown, says no to the Crown
Council received 800 responses from residents about Government's Three Waters proposal.

Forestry leaders slam study of impact by Wairoa and Tararua councils
Forestry leaders say study will "put every obstacle in the way" of climate change goals.

Salmonella strain: Hawke's Bay producer says NZ's love affair with runny eggs at risk
Licking the cake mix from the bowl also under threat: "It's going to be an ongoing issue."

Quest to get headstone for soldier killed in 1938 landslide
How did a Wellington-based returned serviceman end up buried in Napier without a grave?

Watch: Pulp friction - slippery trail of oranges on SH5
State Highway 5 between Napier-Taupō was covered in orange pulp this morning.

Hawke's Bay farmer fears 'unfair' regulation of family's bore water under new bill
Classifying farmers as water suppliers is 'unfair' and unnecessary, HB farmer says.

Hawke's Bay councils ask for rethink on Three Waters Reform
"Localism is important to us and part of our success as a region."

'Essential part of producing a crop': Pruners and sprayers essential workers, Govt decides
Damien O'Connor met with more than 180 primary sector leaders and gave them good news.

MPI's $95K helps launch new pumpkin 'milk alternative'
NZ is one of the largest exporters of kabocha, a type of squash, to parts of Asia.

'It's not over': Napier Port's inland port at Whakatū on hold
"The soil in that area is pristine, it belongs. The containers don't."

'Upsetting and confusing': Further changes possible for Hawke's Bay farmers
"The worst thing we can do is just stop," MyEnviro creator Brent Paterson says.

Apple giant to create 150 new permanent roles
Despite hiring close to a 1000 Kiwis in place of RSE workers, they were still 300 short.

'We are up in arms': Clive community fumes as thieves target utes
"I can pretty much touch the car from my bedroom window. You'd never expect it."

Ute tell 'em: Hastings feebate protest organiser expects hundreds for 'bark-up'
Farmers are "sick of signing petitions and talking at dinner parties", Chris Miles says.

Fitting service at Wairoa community centre for farmer who helped build it
"He had the ability to see beyond the years he lived," Wairoa mayor Craig Little said.

The new tool helping Hawke's Bay orchardists
"They are good at growing things. We are good at developing software."

Hawke's Bay's fence crash woes: More than 500 in three years
"It's a wonder no one has been killed," resident of road where cars regularly crash says.

Nash tells forestry donations sceptics he's following the rules
Napier MP says there's no conflict of interest relating to 2020 campaign donations.

About dam time? Group set up to explore CHB water security
'This is not a project to rebirth the Ruataniwha. Not at all,' chair Mike Petersen says.

'The least we can do': HB farmers helping Canterbury
Hawke's Bay farmers are organising a feed run to help their flood-hit counterparts.

Glimpse of the future? HB sheep numbers drop 346,000 in a year
Farming leaders say climate change will turn the screws for those reliant on sheep.

Future of Westpac's Hastings branch up in the air
The Westpac branch in Hastings remains closed following a building assessment in March.

'Couldn't believe my eyes': Wasp nest found in paddock shocks beekeeper
Check out this wasp nest found in a paddock in Hawke's Bay.

Hawke's Bay farmers being over-run by feral deer
The "super hares" are devouring massive native plant restoration efforts.

Napier live export protesters 'stoked' with ban announcement
She said the two-year transition period was "bittersweet"

Six ships, six weeks: Live export protests in Napier ramp up
"We are not going to give up on those cows."

Hawke's Bay plagued by wasps this autumn
Working outdoors in HB carries an extra warning with increased numbers of wasps noted.

Horticulturists hit crossroads - each way, smaller guys lose
Those in horticulture are 'ploughing ahead blind' when it comes to planning next season.

What killed them? 20 dead fish found floating in Hastings stream
The water was clear and healthy. But 20 dead fish were floating on the surface.

Seasonal shortages: Faafoi says Pacific workers won't reach pre-Covid levels in 2022
There weren't enough pickers for this season. It's not looking promising for the next.

Thieves target heavy-duty vehicle batteries and fuel across Hawke's Bay
Many of the vehicles were "seriously damaged" by the offenders.

Hawke's Bay's massive new lake? Council proposes water storage expansion
Expansion of Heretaunga farm lake could mean it stores 3 million cubic metres of water.

Fisherman catches11kg kingi off the beach at Bay View
Cody Webster was just about ready to call it quits, when he got lucky.

'He'd been out for several days': Hunter and dog rescued from mountains
More hunters are expected for 2021 roar, after last year's season was cancelled.

Hawke's Bay residents face rates increases of 19.5 per cent from regional council
The Hawke's Bay Regional Council has proposed a rates increase of 19.5 per cent.

How community showed Bushman's Tucka their support
"We've run out of mince so had to restock."

'We'll be the poor cousins': Wairoa fears over Three Waters reforms
'Bigger isn't always better,' says Wairoa's mayor of the Three Water reforms.

Hawke's Bay primary sector: More than 12.5 tonnes of plastic collected in three months
Agrecovery collected 12.5 tonnes of plastic from HB farmers and growers since December.

Rain brings a soaking to Hawke's Bay, more on the way
Areas north of Napier are in for heavy rain while areas south are still one to watch.

'Unprecedented' worker shortage: Loaded livestock trucks turned away from meatworks
Progressive Meats says staff shortage is "unprecedented" as workers choose to pick fruit.

Trio help navigate Three Waters reforms
Hawke's Bay makes up three of 15 positions on the Three Waters Steering Committee.

Fruitful future: Helen Clark's optimism for Hawke's Bay amid a global crunch
"Hawke's Bay can feel really good with where it sits in the country and with the world."

Wind farm will create 260 jobs, but iwi's concerns remain
Hawke's Bay will soon be home to the country's second-largest wind farm.

Wairoa rural expo to focus on wellbeing and mental health
23-year-old Elle Perriam co-founded Will to Live.

Farmers welcome rain - Tuesday's predicted downpour arrives
100-180mm of rain is expected to fall in Hawke's Bay over 48 hours, mostly in the ranges.

Waimarama grass fire latest in spate of suspicious fires around Hawke's Bay
There have been several suspicious fires around the region in recent weeks.