Dean Taylor is editor of the Te Awamutu Courier and Waikato Herald
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Dutch elm disease could have devastating effect on Waipa trees
Infected trees need to be felled, and chipped, burned or buried to limit spread.

Pōkuru Rural Women celebrate 75-year anniversary
Pōkuru Rural Women aims and goals the same after 75 years since forming.

Soil scientist Dr Megan Balks: 'If someone offers you a trip to Antarctica, you say yes'
Dr Megan Balks is the latest recipient of the New Zealand Antarctic Medal.

'Stubborn optimism': How the Raglan 'vibe' has helped this yoghurt company build success
Meet a Raglan entrepreneur bringing a surfie-speak vibe to her endeavours.

You're invited as hall turns 100 - hall marked sacrifices of war
Ōhaupō Hall centennial organiser following in family footsteps.

Annual Rose Show finds a bigger stage
Rose Society looking forward to bigger show in new venue.

Barbara Kuriger: Start with the basics
Fix social structures and the rest will come right, says Barbara Kuriger.

Guerilla Surgeon’s legacy continues: Te Awamutu College dairy farm to be sold
Bequeathed farm for sale by Te Awamutu College, but legacy continues.

Community to share in the fruit of their efforts
Te Awamutu Food Forest project builds on skills and knowledge of past generations.

How to build your own Kombi EV
VW New Zealand electrifies a Kombi and shares the greenprint.

National Fieldays: Kurigers part of volunteer team
Barbara and Louis Kuriger using their respective skills as National Fieldays volunteers.

Tanker driver walks away from wreckage
Open Country tanker rolls on remote Pirongia road, spilling milk into river.

Prison dairy farm helping inmates turn lives around
Waikeria inmates offered chance for formal training on prison dairy farm

Jailed for manslaughter as a teen, he's now the future of farming
Skills learnt in Waikeria Prison used to turn life around for Awhenua Trophy finalist.

Family business trucking on with new owners
Long established Te Awamutu family transport business sold to another family concern.

Multiple fire crews tackle large Te Awamutu rubbish blaze
Water tankers from other centres needed to help firefighters.

Cow urine-sniffing robot earns award
Prize comes four years after innovation award at Fieldays.

Why small-town pharmacist wants to retrain in US
Physician associates make a difference in rural communities struggling to attract doctors.

Big-hearted butcher judged best in New Zealand
New World Rototuna's Brad Gillespie has been judged best young butcher in New Zealand.

Primary ITO recognition confirmed by Minister
Primary ITO has received the Minister of Education's seal of approval.

Mighty machines flex their muscles
Weather, location and advertising brought out a great crowd to the Central Tractor Pull.

Making art with just No.8 wire
The 2019 Fieldays No.8 Wire Art Award will be hotly contested with two past winners.

Wetland work for Pāterangi School kids
Pāterangi School is developing its curriculum to incorporate wetland protection.

Te Awamutu racing institutions prepare for change
The hot topic around the stables and tracks of NZ is the report on the racing industry.

A new way of transporting calves
Farmer Kim Caldwell thought there must be a better way to move calves - and there is.

Dean Taylor: Spikey sniffs out nitrate problems
Combining robotics and chemistry to solve one of the biggest problems in dairy farming.