The PSC500 sells for approximately $899 and comes with a one-year warranty.
For more information about this and other great products, contact
, (free phone 0800 733 547).
How to enter:
Send us the URLs of 3 online newspapers owned by Independent News and Media Plc. The 3 newspapers must be from 3 different continents.
(The answers can be found easily by searching the web.)
Send your answers to
Be sure to include your:
* name
* e-mail address
* daytime telephone number
Entries must be received by 9.00 am, Friday 29 September, 2000.
The winner will be announced next Tuesday in the New Zealand Herald and Herald Online.
Good luck, and thanks for entering!
Congratulations to last week's winner
, Rodger Darkens, who won a DeskJet DJ840C colour printer from Hewlett-Packard by correctly answering our web-searching questions.
Last week's answers:
1. The part number of the tri-colour inkjet print cartridge used in the Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 840C colour printer is
2. Our Herald Online
Olympic News
sponsors include: Yellow Pages, Fuji Xerox, and Connell Wagner (plus others).
3. The two models of
Chrysler PT Cruiser
that will be sold in New Zealand are the Classic and the Limited.