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How to enter:
Herald Online Travel
and answer these questions. (Answers can all be found in recent feature articles.)
1. What was author Jeremy Seal referring to when he wrote "the currency equivalent of sky-diving"?
2. Which country music star is building an "Aussie Stampede"?
3. Which NZ celebrities will lead a tour of the Caribbean and Amazon in January 2001?
Send your answers to
Be sure to include your:
* name
* e-mail address
* daytime telephone number
Entries must be received by 9.00 am, Friday 15 September, 2000.
The winner will be announced next Tuesday in the New Zealand Herald and Herald Online.
Good luck, and thanks for entering!
Congratulations to last week's winner
, Hal Baker, who won a DeskJet DJ640C printer from Hewlett-Packard by correctly answering our Home Show questions.
Last week's answers:
1. Funds raised from the auction of the Starship Charity House will benefit the new children's heart unit.
2. Nothing has been spent on labour and materials to build the Charity House. Labour and materials were donated.
3. Sponsors names were listed on the Charity House web pages.