Nintendo (G)
Pros: Nintendo-centric titles, combined with the motion-sensing Wii-mote have provided a big enough point of difference with Sony and Microsoft's next-gen consoles to make the Wii a huge success. Wario Land promised to be another ground-breaking title, with scrolling 2D action just like the old days, and the less-than-polite, long-time character Wario. The Wii-mote is used like an old NES controller, with the D-pad controlling movement, and button pushes to make him jump or charge. But it's shaking the hell out of the Wii-mote that adds this new dimension, giving Wario abilities like knocking over enemies with a shockwave, even shaking them to bits.
Cons: Long term gameplay isn't likely with this one - the novelty wears off very quickly and the game itself isn't exactly riveting with a weakish storyline and a relatively short path from start to finish.
Verdict: Entertaining enough to rent, but not worth adding to the collection.