A round-up of the latest technology news from around the globe.
TRUSTING NEXI: Nexi the Robot just looks so, well, trustworthy. In conversation she uses gestures and nonverbal cues calculated to
inspire trust. "Trust me, I'm a robot. I know what I'm doing!" Read more at Northeastern.
T-RAY VISION: Laser beams and Terahertz (THz) waves combined "see
through" clothing and packaging materials to identify hidden materials
such as explosives and illegal drugs. T-Rays: the new X-Rays. Details at Physorg.
EYE LIE DETECTOR: Pupils dilated? Taking slightly longer to read a text? These tiny indicators suggest you're lying. A new eye tracking
lie detector could catch you out. Watch out. Your next reading test
may be looking for lies. Read more at Physorg.
FLYING TANK: Part helicopter, part tank, the 4-seater AVX Armed Aerial Scout concept takes off and lands vertically, cruises at 3,000 metres and reaches 130kph on the road. It travels 400Km on a tank of fuel. But will it actually fly?
STRIKE TWO: Taranis, a long-range uncrewed strike plane begins flight trials soon. Computer programs allow Taranis to 'make decisions' and penetrate enemy territory stealthily. It's behind you! Details at the BBC.