SUN RUN: In some parts of the world airport runways bake in summer and have to be cleared of snow in winter. There should be some way to take the excess summer heat and apply it in winter. The inter-seasonal heat transfer system uses a network of fluid-filled pipes under a runway. They collect heat and store it in thermal banks underground. In winter heat pumps can use the stored energy to warm the runway. The system is to be tested soon at at the Greater Binghamton Airport in New York. That sounds much better than dumping chemicals all over the ground to clear snow and ice. Fast Company has more information.
TURBINE TIDES: A huge underwater turbine off the coast of Scotland is already powering the Orkney Island of Eday. It's located where the North Sea meets the Atlantic, creating huge tidal forces in fast moving waters. The project is a test for using wider-scale tidal turbines to generate power, and so far seems to be working well. Scotland on TV explains.
ROAM ALONE: Austrian scientists are studying the Baltic Sea porpoise, with the aid of the fully autonomous solar-powered ASV Roboat. The boat will cover 150 nautical miles and work for 100 hours without human intervention. The boat itself takes final destination co-ordinates then decides routes, performs sailing maneuvers and responds to changing winds on its own after launch. But can it flee pirates? InnovationNewsDaily shares more.
MAIN SQUEEZE: If you squeeze M13 viruses they emit a small amount of power. Scientists at the Berkeley Lab added negatively-charged amino acids to one end of the tough outer shell. That gave the virus both negatively and positively charged ends, making it a better generator. The technique produced enough electricity to power a small LED screen. Ah, now for viruses on the soles of your shoes. Berkeley Lab elaborates. Watch the video here.
WHEN NANO LOOKS HUGE: When an atom loses an electron things happen very quickly. It's all so fast we haven't been able to measure exactly when the split takes place. But that's OK because scientists at the Vienna University of Technology have figured out how to capture the moment. They can now study the process with a time resolution of less than ten attoseconds (ten billionths of a billionth of a second). The technique involves special laser beams, high precision measurements and elaborate theoretical calculations. Atto boys! For further information visit Vienna University of Technology.